
The "M" family is the most prominent cow family at Wilsonview Dairy. The lineage traces to matriarch, Quicksilver Many Merrit, purchased from the Western National Jersey Sale in 1977.

Over the years, we have milked more than 430 descendants of this great cow and currently have 10th generation descendants in the milking string. Twenty-eight bulls from this family have headed to A.I., including Wilsonview Khan Morgan-ET, Wilsonview Avery Max-ET and Wilsonview Jevon Magnum-ET.


Wilsonview Impulsive Monet-ET
Very Good-88%
3-03 305 17,250 5.2% 894 3.9% 677

Monet is the dam of Wilsonview Jevon Magnum-ET. She has 17 other registered progeny.


Wilsonview Jevon Magnum-ET
GPTA +714M, +59F, +25P, GJPI +84 (4/20)
7,019 daughters in 251 herds

Magnum is the breed's former #1 sire for JPI.


Group of outstanding young cows sired by Wilsonview Jevon Magnum-ET.

Moment and Her Daughters

Wilsonview Impulsive Moment-ET
Very Good-88%
6-00 305 26,970 4.0% 1,087 3.3% 891

She is a full sister to Monet. She has 32 registered progeny.


Moment Daughter:
Wilsonview TBone Milestone-ET

Very Good-86%
7-02 305 20,800 4.4% 920 3.7% 766

Milestone has 40 registered progeny to date. She completed five lactations - four over 20,000M - and has an ME average of 20,911 - 951 - 779.


Moment Daughter:
Wilsonview N McKayla-ET

5-02 305 24,950 4.6% 1,138 3.4% 854

McKayla has 20 registered progeny. She completed five lactations - four over 20,000M - and has a five lactation ME average of 21,888 - 1,031 - 759.


Moment Daughter:
Wilsonview Navarra Moment-ET

5-08 305 19,150 4.6% 878 3.4% 659

She completed six lactations and has eight registered progeny.


Moment Daughter:
Wilsonview N McKenna-ET

4-03 297 20,370 4.6% 942 3.5% 710

McKenna has 14 registered progeny.


Moment Daughter:
Wilsonview McKenzie-ET

6-06 305 24,890 4.5% 1,131 3.3% 829

McKenzie has six complete lactations. Three of them are over 22,000M. She has a six lactation ME average of 22,289 - 1,052 - 779.

Other Family Members

Wilsonview Impulse Marion
Very Good-87%
7-4 305 22,150 4.3% 958 3.9% 854

Marion has a seven lactation ME average of 19,838 - 945 - 766. She has 15 registered progeny.


Wilsonview Jace Maid
4-11 305 22,440 4.2% 945 3.5% 787

She is a maternal sister to Marion. She has eight registered progeny.

The dam of Marion and Maid, Wilsonview Fair Maiden-ET, VG-87%, is a maternal sister to the dam of Moment and Monet.

Wilsonview Legend Memory

The cows shown above descend directly from Wilsonview Legend Memory, who was with us through her 14th birthday and among our most-cherished cows. She gave us 14 milking daughters (all over VG-80% and five over E-90%) and had more than 150,000M in nine lactations.


Wilsonview Legend Memory
8-6 305 18,170 4.2% 764 3.5% 642


Memory Granddaughter:
Wilsonview Berretta Misty-ET

7-11 305 20,780 4.2% 875 3.4% 710


Memory Granddaughter:
Esplin Sky Maggie

3-5 20,290 4.4% 893 3.8% 765

Sky Maggie sent five sons to A.I., including Wilsonview Khan Morgan-ET, with more than 7,300 registered daughters.



Sky Maggie Daughter:
Wilsonview Select Mateaus-ET

5-8 305 22,460 4.1% 919 3.2% 729


Sky Maggie Daughter:
Wilsonview B Maggie May-ET

4-9 305 22,980 5.2% 1,196 3.7% 840
Owned by Denise Porter, Tillamook, OR

Maggie May is the dam of Wilsonview Avery Max-ET, with nearly 3,300 daughters. Maggie May has 15 registered daughters - nine appraised Excellent-90% or higher.